letter rose
coup de cœurs
A journey through history and a beautiful scenery places imagined, elaborate ideas
idées ange envisions existing across time and space, blending the past and present in a seamless dance
Prior to idées ange, min has curated a variety brand incubating and graphic works
Letter rose, a creative hub infused with the bohemian spirit of London, a crossroads of total art where artists converge
This project recreates memories from personal final moments in London for gifting it everyone, centered around Chelsea and South Kensington where intriguing words are found at streets ‘rose road’, ‘the chelsea arts club’ and ‘ivory pommegranate’
Rose road fabric poster
Rose road unique piece
scenery poster 206cm x 137cm
unique piece 51.5cm x 63cm
Linen is a natural, durable material that can last for years if cared for correctly
Dear 0, is a editorial platform which is mainly curating a ‘sweets’, ‘tea’ and ‘aroma’ items
Aiming for curate artisanal chocolate and partnership with ‘Cosmic Dealer’ in France mid-March for South Korea customers who adore chocolate, foodie, gourmet
Cosmic Dealer, presented by 르파필로트 le papillote
Cosmic Dealer, Carre chocolat noir
Alhambra rose bud tea collection designed by dear 0